Bulk Flip Rotate

Drag your images here

Flip Images in batch

Flip in any direction.

  1. Drag n Drop images
  2. Select horizontal or vertical
  3. Flip away!

Rotate Images in batch

No upload. No signup. All at once. Fast. Intuitive.

Transform all at once in bulk

Or choose manual mode to apply rotate and flip to each image differently.

How to questions

How to flip multiple images?

  1. Drop your images in the dropbox.
  2. Select horizontal or vertical
  3. Flip away!

How to rotate multiple images?

  1. Drop your images in the dropbox.
  2. Select the degree of rotation. 90, 180, 270
  3. Select clockwise or counterclockwise
  4. Rotate away!

How to apply rotate and flip to each image differently?

Select manual mode to apply rotate and flip to each image differently. All in an intuitive interface.

What image types are supported?

  1. Drop your JPG or JPEG images
  2. Works with PNG as well

Why would you make such a tool?

Well, I made a tool to crop images in bulk. Someone asked if it can do back flips and cartwheels. I said no but it should exist. So here it is.